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Troubleshooting Websites That Aren’t Loading

Troubleshooting Websites That Aren’t Loading

Last Updated On 2023-12-14

To power 1-click visual collaboration on any website on the internet, we need to fetch websites and display them in Atarim (a process sometimes referred to as scraping).

In a few rare cases, this process can result in issues where CSS or JavaScript is blocked by the site’s server, which means that it is not possible to display the site correctly when regenerated in Atarim.

If you do run into any issues, please reach out to our support team using the chat in the bottom right-hand corner of your dashboard or by emailing

Why don’t I see the latest changes I’ve made to my site?

This is due to caching, both:

  1. On your website/server
  2. On our systems

In order to clear the cache for your own website, you’ll need to follow the process in place for that in your content management system – i.e., WordPress – or flush your server’s cache as you normally would.

For example, when using WordPress you will usually have the ability to clear your server’s cache as shown below:

And if you use an additional caching plugin such as WP Rocket, that will involve a separate process:

Note: If you also run a service like Cloudflare, you may need to clear your Cloudflare cache as well for changes to appear, depending on how heavily your site is cached.

How can I reload my website in Atarim?

If you want to force reload your website in the Atarim dashboard, simply hit the ‘Refresh’ icon as shown below:

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